Tuesday, November 3, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201103 - Mass Stranding, Climate Fail, ElectroQuakes

SPACE - S0 - 20201103 - Mass Stranding, Climate Fail, ElectroQuakes

Good Morning, 0bservers!


The detectors are on the fritz again, folks. Tons of data dropouts on the chart with the wind speed data, including gaps now in places where we had clean readings yesterday (go figure!). However, we do have some readings that came in around 0400 UTC, and it shows the wind speed in the 340-380 KPS range, which isn't that far off from yesterday. Particle Density and Temperature seem to be steady as well. Phi Angle doesn't look too bad either, but that chart can be a lot "wilder" than the others, so we're not really sure if the gaps are hiding any oddities. The KP-Index readings were mostly KP-0s and KP-1s yesterday, with a brief KP-2 after midnight (dropping back down to zero in the next reading). The Electron Flux is calming back down, staying under the threshold. The X-Ray Flux stayed mostly in mid-Class B flare range, although there was a brief spike around 0900 UTC that barely reached into the Class C range. Looks like that was caused by a pop in the new incoming sunspot group in the South. While the Northern holes show some magnetic complexity, they are sparse and separated, where the Southern group appears far larger.

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