Tuesday, December 8, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201208 - Sun Fires at Earth, 1-2 Punch Coming, Superfamine

SPACE - S0 - 20201208 - Sun Fires at Earth, 1-2 Punch Coming, Superfamine

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Let's start today with that little "ouchie" we got yesterday in the early afternoon. A Class C flare (damn close to Class M, actually) erupted at the Southern sunspot group directly facing Earth. It will impact the planet, but the ejection was broad/wide so it should (hopefully) mean the impact will be low density and low(er) speed. Geomagnetic storms are expected by tonight/tomorrow, but with few or no electrical disruptions. Expect those latter items in the higher latitudes, and also keep an eye peeled for 1) airport outages near the Arctic/Antarctic Circles, and 2) some bitchin' Aurorae in those zones as well. 
Solar wind speeds peaked yesterday around 430 KPS, but generally stayed in the 360-400 KPS range throughout the day. It calmed a bit in the evening, and has now settled in the 340-360 KPS range. Particle density readings have increased a bit, but not sharply, whereas Temperature readings appear steady to slightly lower. There was a pretty sharp Phi Angle shift between 0100-0200 UTC, but that seems to have been a transient event with no impact on the other readings. The KP-Index stayed in the KP-0 to KP-1 range all through yesterday, but it has increased to KP-2 in the last six hours.

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