Sunday, December 13, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201213 - X1000 = Max Solar Flare, Climate Bias & Uncertainty

SPACE - S0 - 20201213 - X1000 = Max Solar Flare, Climate Bias & Uncertainty

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds continued to drop all throughout yesterday and this morning. Ignoring that one spike on the chart, the actual speed topped out at around 460 KPS yesterday, and it is now in the 350-370 KPS range. Particle Density also went down, but the Temperature went up around 0200 UTC, but then after rising for about six hour it took a major drop, stayed low for about an hour, and then took a sharp rise. Phi Angle readings have been steady through the last 36 hours. The KP-Index was a long line of KP-1 readings, before rising to KP-2 and KP-3 around midnight, dropping again to KP-1 and KP-0. Magnetometer, Electron Flux and Proton Flux readings all remain nominal. X-Ray Flux readings calmed down from the two strong upper Class B flares from the 11th and 12th, with small bumps into the lower Class B range and the background remaining at upper Class A. Coronal hole development remains mostly in the polar regions, with the Southern hole growing Northward as it approaches the midpoint, and the Northern hole developing from almost nothing yesterday. We're also seeing a few small coronal holes in the upper Northern latitudes. Back in the South, one of those sunspot groups has crossed the lim far enough now to see the magnetic complexity underneath it. The newer one which hasn't crossed to face the Earth is still popping and sparking, but we won't know its underlying structure for about 48 hours.

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