Wednesday, December 16, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201216 - The Next Sign: Neptune Dark Storm Reversal

SPACE - S0 - 20201216 - The Next Sign: Neptune Dark Storm Reversal

Good Morning, 0bservers!

A couple more data dropouts on DSCOVR this morning (can Geek Squad make an orbital house call?). The good news is that the readings were sufficient to show a very strong calming of the solar winds, from yesterday's high of 360 KPS (ignoring the cosmic ray spikes on the chart, which magically disappeared only 90 minutes later after a second check) down to a current low of 260 KPS. Particle Density had a slow rise, but the Temperatures are really hugging the floor of the chart. The KP-Index was pretty low yesterday, which may have explained the cosmic ray readings, with more KP-0s than KP-1s, but we have had four straight KP-1 readings so hopefully we won't be in a Zero Day Health Alert situation. No change on Proton Flux, Electron Flux, and Magnetometer readings. The X-Ray Flux definitely calmed down from the previous report, but we did see a mid-Class B flare spike around 2200 UTC. The background levels did drop a bit further into Class A. The video loop shows that pop coming from the South's upper latitudes, and about 20 West of the midpoint, so any effects from that would be (hopefully) a glancing blow to Earth at worst. Southern coronal hole at the pole is mostly past the midpoint, but there seems to be some new coronal hole growth/extension from the North pole which could have an effect. There's a LOT of sunspot/bright spot activity marching in from the Eastern lim, and the Magnetogram is showing underlying complexity almost all in the South, approaching center disc.

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