Tuesday, December 29, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201229 - MAJOR Earthquake, Atmospheric Electricity, Super-Flare

SPACE - S0 - 20201229 - MAJOR Earthquake, Atmospheric Electricity, Super-Flare

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Looks like we had a couple more three-hour outages on the DSCOVR charts - can somebody fit the Maytag Repairman with a space suit to fix that damn thing, please? 
Solar wind speeds calmed a bit from yesterday's peak of 580 KPS, currently holding in the 470-510 KPS range. Temperature and Density are steady, and the KP-Index has been solidly in the green for a couple days now. We did get a KP-3 just after midnight UTC blowing away the cosmic rays, but it's back down to the KP-2 range now. Electron Flux readings are calming down, not reaching the threshold, while the Proton Flux has remained delightfully dull per usual. Magnetometer readings seem to have smoothed out a bit from yesterday's rapid drop. The X-Ray Flux continues its mostly-calm readings, with only the barest bumps in the last 24 into the lower quarter of Class B, and the background range back to high Class A. The second of the two major sunspot groups passed the midpoint without incident, and we're seeing leading glows along the Eastern lim indicating (I know, shock! horror!) more incoming groups. What's got me a bit fascinated/concerned is the new coronal hole in the upper Northern latitudes. It is growing, and a tendril appears to be growing upward to try to connect to the polar hole system. It's still at least a day or two from the midpoint, so it'll be interesting to see how this develops.

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