Sunday, December 27, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201227 - Electrodynamic Solar Forcing, Cold Events, Sun-CO2

SPACE - S0 - 20201227 - Electrodynamic Solar Forcing, Cold Events, Sun-CO2

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds rose a bit starting around 0100 UTC after a Phi Angle shift about two hours prior. It was a pretty mild rise, from a low of 405 KPS to around 470 KPS. Particle Density rose around the same time as the shift, but went back down about the same time the wind speed rose. Temperature mirrored the rise in solar winds. Electron Flux just bumped up the underside of the warning threshold, while the Proton Flux remained nominal. The Magnetometer was a little unsteady, but still well within accepted norms. The X-Ray Flux chart was pretty much riding the Class B flare line all day and night, with only the slightest of spikes (by maybe 10% above the baseline), which is the quietest it has been in days. The video loop shows the coronal hole in the South passing the midpoint, actually growing in size now that it is aiming ahead of our orbit. At this stage we would still be susceptible to the stream from this hole, but that will weaken the further it moves away. As it stands, we should see that stream arriving in 12-36 hours. What does have me concerned is that the Magnetogram from SOHO is showing one of the major sunspots directly aiming at Earth right now, with the lesser spot about a day or so behind the midpoint. There is some magnetic complexity there, so despite the quiescent X-Ray readings the past 24 hours, that could change (literally) at any moment. The good news is that I'm not seeing any new sunspots across the Eastern lim, although the video does show some glow radiating from the "dark" side of the Sun...

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