Saturday, December 12, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201212 - Reality Check, Meteor Shower Tonight, X-ray Bubbles

SPACE - S0 - 20201212 - Reality Check, Meteor Shower Tonight, X-ray Bubbles

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds were in the 450-480 KPS range for the morning yesterday, but they jumped up to 550 KPS for about four hours before starting to settle down again. Currently the speed is in the 400-430 KPS range. There was a spike in the readings around 0530 UTC that showed up on the speed and temperature charts, but that doesn't appear to be more than a cosmic ray strike on the detectors, as the Phi Angle remained stable throughout the morning so far. Particle density started moving up around 0700 UTC, but not critically so. Even though yesterday started with a pair of KP-3 readings on the KP-Index, it got pretty quiet after that with some alternating between KP-1 and KP-2, so we're all in the green on that chart. The Magnetometer readings are further normalizing from their high/low peaks two days ago. Electron Flux and Proton Flux charts are nominal. The X-Ray Flux readings show a number of spikes again in the mid-to-upper Class B range, with the background just on the upper edge of Class A. Some of that activity is coming from the Earth-facing sunspot group in the South, but it is passed the midpoint and should be out of range in 48 hours or so. However, some of the activity is showing up not yet having crossed the Eastern lim, the same bright spot that had some activity yesterday as well. That little bugger may be more active than we want to see once it hits our side of the disc. No new coronal hole development in the low-to-mid latitudes, but the South polar hole is building toward the North, so we'll see if it has anything of substance when it reaches the midpoint in a couple of days.
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "What is the Solar Storm Risk? [and Trivia Answers]"


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