Tuesday, December 15, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201215 - Sun Increases Activity, Methane Oops, Lucky Earth?

SPACE - S0 - 20201215 - Sun Increases Activity, Methane Oops, Lucky Earth?

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Another day, another data dropout from the DSCOVR charts. And, like yesterday, the dropout happened just after midnight UTC. Well, the good news is that the speed was pretty calm over yesterday, and even calmer once the readings came back online. We're currently in the 320-340 KPS range. Temperature and Density is also steady to slightly lower. There was a pretty sharp Phi Angle shift around 1900 UTC, but it didn't seem to have a deleterious effect on the readings. The KP-Index stayed in the lower end of the green, starting out with about nine hours of KP-0 before popping up to KP-1 and KP-2 readings. Got the same-old-same-ol' on Proton and Electron Flux readings, but we did see a bit of a disruption on the Magnetometer readings - nothing serious, but noticeable. This may be due to the strong Class C flare on the X-Ray Flux charts, which occurred around the same time. That was followed by at lest two flares in upper Class B, and a few more jumping around mid Class B. The sunspot group in the South is where the big boom occurred, but it did trigger a second ejection out to another sunspot which had already crossed the Western lim. The Southern polar coronal hole has passed the midpoint, not expecting much of any flow from that. The Northern one has dipped down a bit further but, again, it is doubtful that will give us much trouble either.

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