Wednesday, December 23, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20201223 - Brightest Blazar, Stuck in Ice, Deep Earth

SPACE - S0 - 20201223 - Brightest Blazar, Stuck in Ice, Deep Earth

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds stayed pretty much along the 550 KPS line until about 0530 UTC, when it jumped up to 600 KPS, followed by some 650 KPS spikes. That was right before a two hour data dropout on DSCOVR (again!) but the readings came back at the same levels. Particle Density dipped a bit right before the speed increase, and Temperature levels remained steady. The Phi Angle looks like the interference you'd get from a blender with a soon-to-fail motor, it's just all over the chart. The KP-Index was pretty much green, but high, all of yesterday, with KP-3 readings dominating. We did have a brief KP-4 around 0200 but that brief geomagnetic storm calmed right back down after that. The Magnetometer readings are evening out from their previous low spikes and back into a more nominal range. X-Ray Flux readings are showing a bit more flare activity, bumping along most of yesterday in the low Class B range, but we did have one spike reach the mid-B level around 0600 UTC. The video loops show that the major coronal hole in the North is well past the midpoint now, but we're seeing some smaller hole development in the lower latitudes. The new sunspot group in the South appears to be where the snap/crackle/pop readings on the X-Ray flux are sourced. The Magnetogram images show a lot of positive/negative regions in that group, but many of them aren't close enough together to generate major flares. However, as we all know, that can change within a very short period of time, so Eyes 0pen, No Fear...

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